Valerie Bouthyette has decided to bring everything she's got to the children of the world. For years she has been illustrating stories for authors and encouraging others to write, illustrate and publish. Now this creative innovator has a children's book of her own now available through Amazon.com.
Valerie's first book, in a series of stories that chronicle the adventures of a mouse and all of the friends that climb on his bandwagon while learning some valuable lessons in life, is a Christmas story that introduce the main character, Mousie.
Mousie lives alone in a barn on a farm owned by a family. Mousie treks across snow- covered fields in cold, biting winds to just catch a peek of the little boy who lives inside the little white farmhouse.
As each day passes, the family decorates and prepares for the Christmas season--something Mousie has never experienced.
"We don't have all the details worked out but we would like to continue the series of Mousie with an introduction to a few other characters around the farmhouse," says Cheryl Haynes, President of FutureWord Publishing. Cheryl has collaborated with the renown illustrator about the possibility of doing a number of books, all of which will showcase her outstanding artwork and heart-warming stories that teach social and moral values to children.
Valerie is working on a teaching degree but says, "I student taught at Calvin U. Smith Elementary School last Spring in Mrs. Merrill's first grade class and worked with the students to write and illustrate a book which they followed through to self-publish through Lulu.com. The titled work was called the Magnificent and Scientific Adventures of Mouse. This mouse character is one created by the students. I'll be student teaching with Mrs. Colunio's 5th grade class this fall."
The launch date for Valerie's new title, The Christmas Wish, is set for Friday, October 9, 2009.
The book is perfect bound, 8.25 by 8.25 and is full color illustrations with bleed.
An official press release date is also set for October 9, 2009.